K-5 Update
Dear Irving Elementary School K-5 families, First, I want to thank you all for waiting so patiently for an update from us. We have been working very hard to get all things in place to start our k-5 after school …
front page items from prior school years. July 1 is the cutoff date each year.
front page items from prior school years. July 1 is the cutoff date each year.
Dear Irving Elementary School K-5 families, First, I want to thank you all for waiting so patiently for an update from us. We have been working very hard to get all things in place to start our k-5 after school …
Dear ASC Families, We know that many of you have been waiting patiently for an update from us. At this time, the ASC is planning to open for preschool only, with a tentative start date of October 4th. We are …
Dear ASC Families, September is fast approaching, and we have been hard at work planning our reopening for the fall. We are happy to report that The After School Club was one of few daycare centers that has not had …
Since we were not able to have an art show, due to covid, we still have your children’s amazing art saved for them. The art is in labeled bags at Irving Elementary and can be picked up during our summer …
The new enrollment forms for preschool and after school are available now on our website. Space will be limited so please get your enrollment forms in now to save your spot!
It is with heavy hearts that I need to inform you that The After School Club will not be returning to Awbrey Park in the Fall. We wish happiness and continued success for your families, we will miss you. The …
Tuesday May 11th, 2021 3:00pm-7:00pm The After School Club will be conducting individual family tours of our school for those interested in enrolling for Preschool in the Fall. Many families are already on the wait list and have been contacted. …
Register now for Preschool Summer Camp! Camp will start on Monday, July 5th and end Friday, August 13th. For the benefit of the children, those enrolling in the program will be enrolled for the full 6 weeks.Students must be at …
Our plan at this time is to start offering child care when in school learning opens back up. To reserve a spot for child care needs, email lori@theafterschoolclubeugene.com Please include your child’s name and grade in the email. Space is …
The After School Club Preschool will remain closed Friday, September 18th, as the air quality went right back to hazardous. We are hopeful for Monday 🙂